White Tail Forestry Mulching provides a more efficient method of removing vegetation remnants after a land clearing project. The brush, trees, and grasses are turned into mulch on the spot rather than hauling away the fallen trees and branches. Forestry mulching is used to clear and manage the vegetation in wooded areas, controlling the spread of invasive species, and restoring wildlife health.
Forestry mulching converts the leftover vegetation (brush, trees, short grassy foliage, and heavy branches) into a natural, environmentally friendly top layer of ground covering. The process eliminates the need for multiple machines such as bulldozers, and excavators. Instead, a single machine is used to cut, grind, and clear vegetative growth and saplings, leaving behind a shredded blanket of mulch. This protective layer of organic material is reintroduced into the soil, making it richer and more fertile and creating a natural protective barrier over the soil that stabilizes the ground, prevents erosion, and encourages native plant growth.